An Effective, Flexible, and Convenient Way to Boost Your Health
The hybrid model combines online and in-person health coaching to give you the best of both worlds.
Here’s how it works for you.

➤ You meet with your health coach face to face at regular intervals to do assessments, teach new exercises, review and correct form, and answer questions.
➤ How often you meet with your health coach in person is up to you. Some clients meet once or twice a month while others meet a couple times per week. It really comes down to your time and budget.
➤ For example, you might train in person twice a week at first, and then scale back as you get more confident and comfortable with the program and workouts. But for a client with a crazy schedule, you might only get together a few times a year.
➤ All clients get their performance plan online. It’s individualized for each client, the same as it would be if you were training entirely in person.
➤ The value is that the performance plan goes far beyond exercises, sets, and reps. You can think of it as a concierge service for your health and wellness.
I’ve tried “everything”
We hear this over and over from new clients who feel they’ve done everything they can to get better. However, when we work with them, it’s clear there are still many stones unturned, so this is far from the truth.
I don’t have time
We all have the same amount of time in a day, and time passes whether we’re healthy or not, but few things are more wasteful than time spent being sick. To make the most of your time with us, we offer convenient telephone and video consultations.
I can figure this out on my own
We live in an era of information, yet the most valuable information you need is the knowledge of what’s going on inside your body. We provide you with expert insights into your personal health challenges and how to overcome them.
We created this program from the ground up to be the most comprehensive, practical, and affordable healthcare strategy on the planet.
- Safe, rapid and permanent weight loss
- ​Look and feel the best you’ve ever felt
- Vibrant energy
- Restful sleep - wake up refreshed
- ​Greater mental clarity
- ​More confidence
- Better digestion
- ​Lower stress levels
- ​Feel more peaceful and grateful
- ​Balanced blood sugars and blood pressure
- ​Better-fitting clothes
- ​Greater self-love and self-care
Because we're passionate about guiding clients like you through the exact steps needed for rapid, permanent weight loss and greatly improved health and vitality.
This is an investment that will benefit you for the rest of your life - and you're worth it.
We look forward to meeting you in the program and celebrating your wins!
When you’re ready, the best way we can help you is by filling out the application form below - be sure to submit it.
Once we receive the application we will review it and set up a discovery call with you and a team member to share your story and get you started on your journey!
This information is provided by Motions and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about a specific medical condition.